Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

The ABCs of Halloween Design - coupon

O hushed October morning mild,
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.

– October, Robert Frost

October is one of my favorite months of the year, and arguably one of the best for the design world. Halloween, scary movies, autumn leaves: regardless of your opinion on the pumpkin spice latte, the imagery around the fall season can’t be beat (even at Envato HQ in Australia, where the view from the office window is more sunny springtime than fall foliage). 

In honor of the October, here’s a roundup of some of the best design assets related to fall and Halloween design this year:

A is for Apple Picking

The classic fall pastime: venture to an apple orchard, pick several baskets of apples from the trees, go home, anxiously Google “recipes that use a lot of apples”.

B is for BOO!

Ghost decoration by PixelSquid.

C is for Coffin

Old Vampire’s Coffin, also by PixelSquid.

D is for Dracula

Dracula, illustrated edition.

E is for Evil Skulls

A multicolor skulls design pack.

F is for Fall Foliage

Autumn leaves.

G is for Goblin

Lots of 3D goblin hands to choose from.

H is for Halloween Costumes

Animals in Halloween costumes > people in Halloween costumes.

I is for It

Easily the hottest costume of the year.

J is for Jack-o-Lantern


These come in a series of different emotions, so you can choose how your pumpkins are feelings about being carved. (Illustrator: )

K is for Kandy Corn

L is for Lattes

Probably of the pumpkin spice variety.

M is for Monsters

A whole gaggle of monsters.

N is for Ninjas

O is for Octoberfest

I think Octoberfest technically starts in September, but we’ll bookmark these flyer templates for next year’s celebration.

P is for Parties

A custom party flyer.

 Q is for the Queen of Death

There’s also a king of bones, a scarecrow, a witch, a wizard, and more in this illustrated character set.

R is for RIP

Headstone illustration by .

S is for Skeletons

Skeletons of the dancing, cartoon variety. (Illustrator: )

T is for Trick-or-Treating

This design is all treats, no tricks!

U is for Unicorns


Unicorns would make a pretty good Halloween costume.

V is for Vampires

Illustrator: .

W is for Witch


Just a with, hanging out with her crows.

X is for X Rays

X-rays are Halloween-related, right?

Y is for Yikes!

As in, yikes, this zombie Photoshop action is scary. 

Z is for Zombies

Zombies are a popular theme in movies, TV, and in illustrations.

Happy Halloween!

A version of this article was published in 2016 and has been updated for 2017. 

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